Sunday, February 05, 2006

It's been a week

I can't believe it has been a week. Where does the time go?
Today, for example, I have sat at this computer for 6 HOURS completing grad school apps. SIX HOURS!
The day was broken up a little with visits, phone calls and of course the requisitie skyping. And now, since I haven't eaten since breakfast except for an apple, I have to eat some cheese so I can make it to my dinner date in an hour.
This has not been my favourite day.
I feel half like a hermit, half like someone out of the Matrix. What is my reality?
Part of the problem came from the 3 am bedtime last night after a most enjoyable party, out for a change, as opposed to our house all the time. It is nice not to have to wake up and clean!
I am hearing on the radio now that there is not power in Barrie, so I had better go give home a call to see how they are holding up back there. I just hope at least one of the phone is not electronic still. Otherwise the call will be somewhat useless.
Wow, my brain-less-ness is really showing here.
What's the frequency, Kenneth?

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