Friday, December 15, 2006

Grad school: Where is the gas station?

I am nearly finished a full semester of grad school. I have no idea where the time went. I remember afternoons in the back den trying to read while the sun passed over the back yard. Evenings holed up at my desk, searching and downloading scholarly articles that I could forget to read later. Somehow switching my circadian rhythm to 2am bedtimes and 10am wake times (ahh, windows of natural light, where are you?). Seminars, notes, conferences, notes, lectures, notes, eccentric ramblings, notes. It has been interesting, challenging, and tiring. But ribbons of fun, new friendships, new activities (pilates, tutoring, pub nights...) are well interspersed.
Looking forward to the new year.

1 comment:

justin said...

Congrats Erin!

It's amazing how "what" we do so directly affects our life experience. I'm happy to know that many new experiences have come your way, beyond research and classes. All the best in '07 (though I hope to see you before that).